MikroTik Cloud Hosted Router (CHR): Comprehensive Virtual Routing Solutions

Cloud Hosted Router

MikroTik Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a virtual router that runs on popular virtualization platforms. CHR is designed for implementation within cloud environments and offers the same features and capabilities as the MikroTik RouterOS found in physical devices. This flexibility and compatibility make CHR a powerful tool for network administrators and engineers looking to optimize their network infrastructure.

Solutions That CHR Can implement:

  1. VPN Solutions: CHR can be used to implement various VPN protocols like OpenVPN, L2TP, and SSTP. This enhances secure communication between remote sites and allows for private network connections over the Internet.

  2. Traffic Shaping and Bandwidth Management: Through queue management, CHR offers traffic-shaping solutions that allow for efficient bandwidth utilization. This ensures a balanced distribution of resources and a better user experience.

  3. Network Virtualization: CHR is suitable for deploying in virtual environments, such as VMware, Hyper-V, and others. This allows organizations to create isolated and scalable virtual networks.

  4. Firewall and Security Measures: CHR makes implementing firewall rules and other security protocols easy. It enables users to secure the network by filtering traffic, blocking unauthorized access, and monitoring network activity.

  5. Load Balancing: CHR provides load-balancing solutions to distribute network traffic across several servers, ensuring high availability and reliability. It aids in optimizing resource utilization and reducing latency.

  6. Monitoring and Analysis: With tools like SNMP and other network management interfaces, CHR allows for robust monitoring and analysis of network performance and user activities. This leads to improved troubleshooting and maintenance.

  7. Integration with Cloud Services: Being hosted in the cloud, CHR can be seamlessly integrated with various cloud services and platforms. This enhances network automation and orchestration capabilities.

  8. High Availability Solutions: By deploying CHR in a redundant configuration, organizations can achieve high availability and fault tolerance, ensuring uninterrupted service in the event of hardware failure or other disruptions.

In conclusion, MikroTik's Cloud Hosted Router provides a versatile and cost-effective network management and optimization solution. Its implementation within virtual environments enables various applications, from basic routing and VPN setup to complex network virtualization and security configurations. The flexibility of CHR makes it a valuable asset for modern network architectures.

Cloud Hosted Router P-Unlimited license
MikroTik RouterOS License Level 6/PUMikroTik Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) is a versatile virtual routing solution for modern cloud environments. With the ability to implement features like VPNs, traffic shaping, network virtualization, and firewall security, CHR provides a robust and cost-effective tool for optimizing network infrastructure. CHR offers various applications to meet diverse networking needs, whether you're seeking high availability, seamless integration with cloud services, or detailed monitoring and analysis.
Cloud Hosted Router P10 license
The Cloud Hosted Router P10 license offers a comprehensive suite of features designed to optimize and secure your cloud network. From powerful QoS controls and P2P traffic filtering to advanced wireless protocols and real-time monitoring, the P10 license ensures a robust and efficient cloud networking experience.
Cloud Hosted Router P1 license
The MikroTik Cloud Hosted Router (CHR) P1 License offers a dynamic virtual routing solution tailored for contemporary cloud environments. With features ranging from VPNs and traffic shaping to real-time monitoring, it's a comprehensive tool for optimizing your network infrastructure.
Advanced MikroTik Consulting
RouterOS consulting includes:

Advanced Firewall (NAT, Filter, Mangle)
Failover gateway
Load balance 
VPN (IPsec, IPIP, GRE, EoIP, Wireguard)
Dynamic routing (OSPF, BGP, Route filtering)
Wireless (Link budget calculation, PTP Wireless backhaul, PtMP Wireless network design, troubleshooting, advanced wireless controller)
Traffic shaping
Advanced Switching configuration(RouterOS, SWOS) 
Branding and white-labelling