Discover ETU-LINK's selection of Optical Transceivers and Interfaces featuring cutting-edge technology for enhanced network performance. Our collection includes 100G QSFP28, 25G SFP28, and 10G SFP+ optical transceivers, along with Direct Attach Copper solutions. Ideal for a wide range of applications, these products ensure high-speed, reliable connectivity. Upgrade your network with our top-quality transceivers, designed for compatibility with leading hardware brands.


Optical transceivers

Optical transceivers play a pivotal role in data transmission, and they are categorized based on various factors. One primary classification is by transmission rates, which include 400G, 100G, 40G, 25G, 10G, 1G, and 100M optical modules.

Another significant classification is by their encapsulation types. As the transmission rate of an optical module increases, so does its structural complexity. Based on encapsulation, they are differentiated into SFP, SFP+, XFP, SFP28, QSFP+, CXP, CFP, QSFP28, and QSFP-DD modules.

A notable feature of these optical modules is that they are all hot swappable, ensuring flexibility and ease of use.

Direct Attach Copper

Direct Attach Copper (DAC) offer a reliable and cost-effective solution for high-speed data transmission in networking environments.

These copper cables, equipped with connectors, plug directly into network interfaces.

By providing a direct electrical connection between devices, DAC ensures speedy and consistent data flow.

Their simplicity, coupled with cost-effectiveness, makes them an ideal choice for data centers and high-performance computing ecosystems.

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